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Are diapers the cause of diaper dermatitis? Canada Sanitary napkin machinery

Are diapers the cause of diaper dermatitis? Canada Sanitary napkin machinery


With summer coming, babies can better enjoy the outdoors. At the same time, the hot weather also brings a lot of trouble to parents. The summer is humid and hot, and the common skin problems of babies such as red butt, diaper rash, and diaper dermatitis affect the hearts of parents. Many parents believe that dermatitis is caused by diapers, but after changing many brands of diapers, it still does not improve. In fact, improper use of diapers is one of the important factors leading to diaper dermatitis. Canada Sanitary napkin machinery

Professor Xu Zigang, a specially invited expert from Pampers and chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Beijing Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, explained the skin characteristics of infants and the causes of diaper dermatitis, helping parents to take care of their babies in a more targeted manner and helping infants and young children to be healthy growing up.

The baby has just been born. From the intrauterine amniotic fluid environment to the dry natural environment, the external environment of skin contact has undergone tremendous changes. At this time, the baby’s skin structure and function are in the developmental stage, and the function and structure of the skin at this stage are very different from those of older children and adults. Children’s dermatology expert Ma Lin wrote in “Children’s Dermatology” that the skin of infants and young children is thin and tender, with a thickness of only 1.2 mm, while the thickness of adults reaches 2.1 mm. Under external friction, the thin and tender skin of infants and young children is more susceptible to damage damage. Infants and young children have poor regulation function of sweat glands and sweat a lot. In a humid and hot environment, the water content of the stratum corneum of the skin is more likely to increase, and the increase of the water content of the stratum corneum of the skin will also lead to a decrease in the ability of the skin to resist friction. In addition, normal adult skin is weakly acidic, with a pH value of 5-5.5. The weak acid environment has the effect of resisting microorganisms, but the pH value of infant skin is neutral, so the ability to remove microbial colonization on the skin surface is also weaker than that of adults. In addition to these characteristics, infants and young children have not yet begun to develop sebaceous glands, and the sebaceous glands in the limbs are less distributed, and the skin is more prone to dryness. Canada Sanitary napkin machinery

Diaper dermatitis is one of the most common skin problems in infants and young children. Almost all babies under the age of 2 will have diaper dermatitis of varying severity at some time. In mild cases of diaper dermatitis, there are only a few red spots, and in severe cases, it will merge into red patches and even develop small blisters. Parents often ask, is diaper dermatitis caused by disposable diapers? In fact, the occurrence of diaper dermatitis is caused by many factors, and diapers and diapers are only one of the reasons. Canada Sanitary napkin machinery

So, what are the causes of diaper dermatitis?

Partial damp heat and friction in the diaper area. The encapsulation effect of the diaper reduces the local air permeability, hinders the evaporation of water on the buttocks skin, and increases the water content. In the summer, babies sweat more, further aggravating the heat and humidity of the buttocks. As mentioned earlier, after the skin’s moisture content increases, the skin’s ability to resist friction will decrease, but the baby keeps waving his fists and twisting his buttocks every day, even if it is flat on the bed. Exercise increases the mechanical friction and irritation between the buttocks and the diaper, which damages the thin and tender skin and is prone to skin redness and inflammation.

excrement. Urine and fecal residues in the diaper area are common irritants of diaper dermatitis. Urine contains urea, which releases ammonia after decomposition, which can directly stimulate the skin surface and increase the pH value of the skin surface, which further increases the pH value of the skin in the baby’s diaper area and increases the chance of bacteria and other microorganisms multiplying. The digestive enzymes and other components contained in the feces can promote the decomposition of urea into ammonia and catalyze the generation of various irritants, which further stimulates the skin in the diaper area, resulting in dermatitis symptoms. For young babies, their digestive systems are immature and more prone to loose stools, making them more prone to diaper dermatitis. Canada Sanitary napkin machinery

The role of microorganisms. The humid and warm environment increases the parasitism and reproduction of microorganisms, which is especially likely to lead to the colonization and infection of Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. Once the normal skin is damaged and the defense function declines, candida and bacteria are more likely to invade the baby’s skin. Canada Sanitary napkin machinery

Improper use of diapers. Inappropriate size of diapers, untimely replacement, insufficient softness of the inner layer, and poor breathability are also triggering factors. Canada Sanitary napkin machinery

Local heat and humidity in the diaper area, friction, residual excretion irritation, microbial action, and improper use of diapers can all lead to diaper dermatitis. Choose a diaper with a soft inner layer and good breathability, which can effectively protect your baby’s delicate skin and help reduce friction between the skin and the diaper. Parents can effectively prevent diaper rash by keeping the baby’s diaper area clean and dry and choosing the right diaper. Canada Sanitary napkin machinery

Post time: Jul-07-2022